"Investing For The New Millennium"



Q. Where are all of my assets held?

A. The majority of McGehee Capital Management (MCM) accounts are held at an independent broker. Most of our clients are with the same custodian. This allows for quick and efficient executions.   

Q. How are my assets protected?

A. Your assets are held by an independent custodian and can not be withdrawn by MCM, except for deduction of management fees. However, you have access to your money at anytime. Each separate customer brokerage account is covered up to $500,000 by the Securities Investor Protection Corporation. In addition, most brokers offer supplemental asset protection, which can bring the total amount of coverage up to $25,000,000, inclusive of up to $1,000,000 in cash.

A. When your account is established, you provide MCM with limited trading authority. This authority allows us to initiate trades among securities within your account.

Q. Are my assets pooled with other investor funds?

A. No, all investors maintain their assets in individual accounts.

Q. If I have a retirement account, can I have management fees taken from the account? Is this considered a distribution?

A. Most usually have their management fees taken directly from your brokerage retirement account. This payment is not considered a distribution and is not subject to taxes or penalties.

Q. How do I go about getting started?

A. MCM will assist you in establishing an account with the broker including limited trading authority.

Q. Does McGehee Capital Management handle rollover accounts?

A. Yes. We would be happy to help you rollover your retirement account from an old employer.

Q. Can I set up my account to have money sent to me on a regular basis.

A. Of course you can. Whether it's monthly, quarterly, or just periodically you can have money send to you from our account.


McGehee Capital Management, Inc. does not provide tax or legal advice. Please contact your advisor in these areas before taking any action that might have tax consequences. Stewart B. McGehee, president and portfolio manager may or may not own the same stocks and fixed income instruments as he buys and sells for clients, or mentioned in the media. You are welcome to apply for money management services by McGehee Capital Management subject to the provisions previously laid out.

McGehee Trend-Turn Indicator is meant for the use of McGehee Capital Management only. It is subjective in its interpretation and can change in its scope and direction at any time. Opinions on individual stocks and stock market forecasts expressed may not actually come to pass and my opinion can change at any time. It is not a solicitation to buy or sell individual stocks, nor time the market. You are encouraged to seek the advice of your own financial professional before making any financial decisions.

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Any mention of The McGehee Report refers to a separate company from McGehee Capital Management and no longer exists. Particular stocks, ETFs or market timing mentioned, are mentioned exclusively for illustrative, educational, editorial, and/or entertainment purposes only.

Past performance does not guarantee future result Stocks and fixed income instruments may lose part or all of their value.