CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, INC. is a registered investment advisory firm managing stock
and fixed income portfolios for individuals, institutions, trusts, charities, businesses, and
retirement accounts.
Stewart B. McGehee |
McGehee Capital Management, Inc.
29 Overlook Dr.
Little Rock, AR. 72207
The firm is headed by
president and portfolio manager Stewart B McGehee. Stewart has been quoted
in Barron's magazine, Advisors Digest, The Dick Davis Digest, The Bull and Bear
Report, and several online sites. His portfolio management has lead to stock market returns over the years.. In 1997 he participated in the Arkansas
Times' "Dueling Stock Pickers", where his portfolio advanced 53% for the year.
McGehee Capital Management, Inc. is a
completely independent advisory firm and receives no compension for recommending
certain securities. We cater to our clients first and foremost -WE ARE FIDUCIARIES! We want to keep
our clients in business, because they keep US in
McGehee Capital Management
believes there are several trends that will effect our lives from day to day and
our investment philosophy for the foreseeable future. This should guide most
people toward certain industry sectors in the investment universe. First, is
technology. In the early 2000s the technology sector experienced a cyclical
downturn. In our opinion however, their is little doubt technology will be a
major driver for the world economy. The second sector, and maybe the most significant is global
expansion and the emerging market as more and more peoples yearn to move into a
modern society, there is a global run for commodities. Last, but not
least, is the fact that we are all getting a little older. This should lead to a
strong performance by the medical sector as new pharmaceuticals and procedures
are discovered every day. McGehee Capital Management will of course invest in
other sectors, but will concentrate in these areas until they change.
The focus of Stewart's stock selections
are based on technical chart readings, sound fundamental analysis, valuations,
cyclical tendencies, and most importantly his proprietary timing tool, "The
McGehee Trend-Turn Indicator."
This is a proprietary market timing tool, developed by Stewart McGehee over the last 30 years. During market down turns we usually raise cash. We even take it one step further and might put
a small portion of the portfolio in a short position. While we are usually invested in US traded stocks on the longside, we
also use ETFs (exchange traded funds) especially during corrections.
Although past peformance is no guarantee of
future results, McGehee Capital Management is dedicated to using these criteria
in the future to continue selecting stocks which over the long-term have above
average potential for market beating returns.